Principal's Welcome

A very warm welcome to the British School Jakarta (BSJ) in the beautiful country of Indonesia. We are a close community of families from more than 50 nationalities, including many from Indonesia, with students aged 2 - 18 years.

Located in South West Jakarta, BSJ boasts a stunning 44-acre campus that has been specifically designed to enhance the academic life of all our students. From the state-of-the-art classrooms and inviting community spaces in Primary to the specialist classrooms in Secondary, our staff and students are able to enjoy the highest quality teaching and learning.  Our exceptional recreational amenities complement our outstanding academic facilities, providing abundant opportunities for students to engage in a wide range of extracurricular activities. This holistic approach further enhances their overall school experience.

Our curriculum integrates British and international education systems, providing students with a diverse learning experience that spans from the English National Curriculum (ENC) and an inquiry-based exploratory framework in Primary to the International Baccalaureate Programmes in Secondary where our students consistently achieve results above the world average.

At BSJ, our philosophy is to provide our students with an education that meets their current needs while preparing them for the opportunities of the future. As a leader in British International Education, we take great pride in our tradition of academic excellence and innovative teaching practices. BSJ, through its wonderful community and collaborative partnerships, provides a rich and diverse learning environment that goes beyond traditional schooling. We offer our students a wide range of opportunities to explore their passions and talents within school life that will complement their academic progress. We believe that the academic and life skills our students learn are essential for their future success.

We take education seriously and we are committed to providing a comprehensive education that prepares our students for success in a competitive, constantly changing world. We believe that our student's academic ability, strength of character, and personal skills are essential for their future success as confident and capable leaders. We provide a nurturing and rigorous environment that encourages the development of these competencies, empowering our students to become active and engaged citizens of tomorrow.

We recognise that every child is unique and has different needs at each stage of their development. That's why we are committed to providing a differentiated and challenging curriculum, as well as a range of exciting additional opportunities to meet these needs. We take pride in getting to know each child and working with them individually to help them realise their full potential – whether it's in the classroom, the laboratory, on the stage, or on the playing field.

Welcome to our school.

Phil Edwards

Interim Principal

© 2025 - British School Jakarta

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