Governing Bodies

The School governing body comprises of Council of Trustees and Board of Governors. The Council of Trustees retains the ultimate authority over and responsibility for all matters pertaining to the School. Under the ultimate authority of the Council of Trustees, the Board of Governors concentrates on the broad strategic direction of the School.

William Daniel

Wilfred Schultz

Hilton King

Pramukti Surjaudaja

Sammy Hamzah

Matthew Downing

Micah Batt
Legal Status
The British School Jakarta Foundation (Yayasan), formally called The British International School 'Foundation', was formed in 1976 and is governed by Indonesian Law No. 16 of 2001 on Foundations (as amended, the Yayasan Law). The Council of Trustees/Pembina (Council) is responsible for all matters which are not delegated to the Executives/Pengurus or the Board of Governors/Pengawas (Board). The Council is made up of the Chair, the Treasurer, and the Secretary, plus additional members, two of whom are appointed by invitation of, respectively, the British and Australian Embassies as founder members of the School.
Members of the Council include experienced business people of high standing in the British and international community in Jakarta who are in a position to contribute to the proper running of the Foundation and who possess a clear interest in the School. Others of similar standing and comparable interest in the School may, from time to time, be elected at the discretion of the Council. -
Duties and Authority
The Council oversees the affairs, property and assets of the Foundation. Its responsibilities are designated under the Yayasan Law and are enshrined in the Articles of Association of the Foundation. It delegates to the Board of Governors supervisory responsibility for policy-making and oversight of the School’s policy implementation, whilst retaining ultimate authority over and responsibility for all matters pertaining to the School's long term sustainability.
The Council is obliged to cause the School to provide a full-time education based on the British curriculum for children whose company or parents possess a valid Capital Levy Certificate, provided that the child is, in the judgement of the Principal and the Board, educationally and legally qualified to enter the School and a suitable place is available.
The powers and duties of the Council comprise those laid down in the Articles of Association of the Foundation, including:
Determination of the composition, method of selection or election, terms of office and responsibilities of the Board, including approval of the appointment of the Chair and the Treasurer of the Board;
- Approval of annual budgets for both the Operating Fund and the Building Fund and of the proposed School fees for the following year;
- Following approval of the capital expenditure budget, approval of all capital expenditure and payments in accordance with the authorities agreed by the Council with the governors and management of the School;
- Liaising as necessary with the Indonesian Ministry of Education and all other government bodies for all matters related to the Foundation; and
- Signing of legal documents on behalf of the School as deemed necessary by the Yayasan Law, the Articles of Association and School policies.
In order to provide a forum for the exercise of its authority, and to exchange views with the Board, the Council holds not less than one full meeting per School term; this meeting is attended by the Chair and Treasurer of the Board, together with the Principal of the School. At such meetings, the Council will review expenditure against budget, the progress of the School against its development plans, and any other business deemed appropriate by the Council.
The Council holds an Annual General Meeting.
Election of Officers and Members
The Chair, Treasurer and Secretary are the elected officers of the Council. They and the members of the Council are elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Foundation. Membership of the Council follows the requirement of the Yayasan Law and the Articles of Association of the Foundation. The Council elects its own members as and when a position becomes available based on its needs at any given time.
There is no limitation on the number of years that officers and members may serve. -
Resignation and Termination
An officer or member of the Council may resign from service from time to time by giving prior written notice to the Foundation.
The elected term of an officer or member of the Council may be terminated before its normal conclusion:
at the member's request; at death;
if any bankruptcy proceedings are commenced against or by the member, or if a receiving order is made against the member; or
when so decided at a Council meeting by a majority of Council Members.
Board of Governors

James Bryson

Ong Chong Moon

Alexander Rusli

Pierre Rafiq

Weni Sutedja

Sandeep Bangara

Madhulika Sukhadia

Michael White

Eiffel Tedja
Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to send an email to: We shall endeavour to respond to either individuals or the whole school community as appropriate.
Frequently Asked Questions
Governance, Policies and Management
Who are the Board of Governors?
The School is administered by a Board which consists of such a number of members as shall be considered appropriate, with no more than 2 (two) Board members at any time being nominated by qualifying parents of children studying in the School and all remaining members of the Board being directly appointed by the Council in consultation with the Chair of the Board. The Council of Trustees appoints the Chair upon recommendation of the Board members.
How often are Governors elected?
Governors are elected or appointed every two years. After that period they may stand again for re-election by the parents or appointment by the Council of Trustees.
Do members of the Board of Governors receive remuneration for their services?
No. The Board works purely on a voluntary basis giving freely of their time and knowledge for the benefit of the students and the good of the school as a whole.
Do new Board members receive orientation and development support?
Yes. New Board members are immediately furnished with all the necessary files and documents to enable them to participate fully in Board proceedings as soon as possible. Additionally, under the guidance and direction of experienced Board members and the Principal, orientation is provided to new Board members. This includes an official welcome by the Board Chair and a tour of the school and introduction to key staff members. Furthermore, the Principal and experienced Board members provide time to meet with the new Board members for orientation. Generally, programs of development for Board members will be offered and implemented when available and of relevance.
What are the duties and objectives of the Board of Governors?
The British School Jakarta Foundation is a legal entity. The Foundation is led by a Council of Trustees (consisting of three (3) officers and at least two (2) and at the most nine (9) members). The School’s Governance Manual clearly outlines and explains the authorities and divisions of responsibility between the Council of Trustees, the Board of Governors and the School Management. Under the authority of the Council, the Board concentrates on the broad direction of the school. Its main powers and duties include the establishment of general policies concerning the administration of the school including: Mission and philosophy, school curriculum, personnel policies and control of funds. The Board's objectives are to make decisions as a team and to speak collectively with one voice creating a school ethos that ensures the school continuously evolves and improves standards. The Board looks for long term goals in education and strives to makes optimum use of the financial resources available. The Board is also responsible for the selection and appointment of the Principal and the Business and Operations Director. The Board arranges regular independent inspections or accreditations of the school in order to ensure that the curriculum is appropriate and that educational standards are being maintained.
It is the duty of the members of the Board to act in the interests of all the children attending the school and of the school as a whole. -
Does the Board administer the school’s policies and programmes?
No. The Council, as well as the Board, relies upon the Principal and his Board of Executive to administer the school’s policies and programmes. Monthly reports are issued by the Principal to the Board so it can compare results with approved aims, policies and programmes.
How often does the Board of Governors meet and who attends these meetings?
The Board holds regular Board meetings not less than 4 times per year. Regular meetings are attended by Board, the Principal and the Business and Operations Director only, unless other persons have been specifically invited to give a presentation to the Board in relation to proposals put before the Board. The regular Board meetings are also attended by the Clerk to the Board, who is a non-voting attendee with a range of responsibilities such as formulating the Board agenda in association with the Chair, taking and circulating the minutes of all meeting of the Board and maintaining the official copy of the Policies Manual.
Does the Board hold Open Board Meetings?
Generally, yes. The Board shall hold at least one open meeting per year with parents and teachers of the school, where progress and planning by the school can be discussed, and questions from parents and teachers answered.
Does the Board of Governors and the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) have any contact with each other?
Yes. During the year, contact is maintained between the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the PTA.
What role do parents play in the decision-making of the Board?
Parents of the school are at all times encouraged to express ideas, concerns and suggestions through proper channels as described in the Parents’ Handbook. Two parent members are elected to the Board by the parent body, which comprises the electorate. Parents are welcome to express their parental comments to the Board. It should be noted that the Board shall carefully consider the advice of any parent. However, the Board may depart from the advice given if such advice is not considered appropriate for the benefit of all and in line with school policies.
How are decisions adopted/disseminated and who implements them?
Decisions are approved by a majority of the members of the Board. The Principal has the responsibility for carrying out, through supplementary regulations and directives, the decisions established by the Board. Changes in school Policy may be recommended at any time by the Board to the Council for approval. Policy changes are effective when approved by the Council of Trustees.
Financial Issues and Fees
Who is responsible for the management of the financial resources of the school?
The Council, and in particular the Treasurer, is responsible for the sound and effective management of the financial resources of the school. The Council is assisted in this process by the Board, which recommends operating and capital financial strategies.
What are the two different Funds and what do they cover?
There are two funds: the Operating Fund comprising School Fee income covers all revenue and expenses relating to the school year such as school fees, salaries, supplies, administration expenses, plant operation expenses, interests earned on Operating Fund investments and depreciation of operating Fund assets. The Building Fund supports long-term asset requirements of the school and is financed through issuing Capital Levy Certificates.
Who produces the annual budget and who approves it?
The Business and Operations Director, together with the Principal, produces annual budgets for both the Operating Fund and the Building Fund that are consistent with the objectives and financial requirements for the school year. Drafts of these budgets are reviewed by the Business Working Group prior to the presentation to the Board. Upon approval by the Board the budgets are presented to the Council before the end of May for their final approval.
Who approves the school fees and who recommends school fee adjustments?
The Council of Trustees approves the level of school fees. The Board, with the approval of the Council of Trustees, may adjust fees if it deems this necessary.
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